Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Food Stamps For The United States - 1273 Words

Time to go to the grocery store with only $29.00 worth of food stamps for the month. In the year 2015, more than 46 million people face poverty in the United States (Whitley 36). Prices of groceries rise almost every day in this country. A family of five has to feed a household on $29.00 a month, but a package of hamburger costs eight dollars. Yet, Republicans propose new cuts, by February of this year, to the Food Stamp Program that will reduce or terminate food stamps for 11 million people in America (Andrade-Rhoades). It is time for the politicians, the press, and people, who think poor people, should not be given food stamps to live off this meager amount of money to feed their families every month. Every one in the United States should live under these unfair circumstances; in order, to understand the inequality. During the Great Depression, Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican President, created the Food Stamp Program to give the economy a boost so that people would spend more money at grocery stores and retailers. It was meant to be used as a short term solution to the problems Americans faced at that time, comparable to the stimulus package that was given to Corporations during the 2008 recession (Moran 1001-1022, 937-938). Unfortunately, over the years, economic conditions have been sporadic, and the increase in single-mother families has led to the prolonged use for the need of them. Jason Riley states, â€Å"Between 2000 and 2013, SNAP (Supplemental NutritionShow MoreRelatedThe United States Food Stamp Program1708 Words   |  7 Pages8 slices of store-made angel food cake (â€Å"ShopRite of Poughkeepsie Weekly Ad Week of April 20 through April 26†). Can you survive on that for a week? The average single able bodied, unemployed Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipient in New York receives around $30 a week to purchase food (â€Å"Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program†). The food stamp program was made national by the Food Stamp Act of 1964 by President Lyndon. B. Johnson (â€Å"Food Stamps in the U.S†). Today, over 47Read MoreThe s Policy Analysis Model1328 Words   |  6 Pages Although we are one of the richest countries we seem to still have millions of individuals and families that starve daily. According to the he U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) includes among its goals to increase food security and reduce hunger by increasing access to food, a healthful diet, and nutrition education for low-income Americans. (Caswell, 2003) Now that the program has been around for many years we need to ask ourselves how effective it is. Does it really help the people itRead MoreSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program ( Snap )1668 Words   |  7 PagesIn spite of the United States being among the most developed economies in the world, poverty and hunger continue to be a major challenge affecting part of the population (Plumer, 2013). According to American Diabetic Association, millions of people live without enough quantity of food consumption while others survive on food with poor nutritional levels (Drago Goody, 2010). Almost 50 percent of overall food stamp recipients are children, and over 80 percent of the overall benefits are allocatedRead MoreFood Stamps to SNAP Essay1030 Words   |  5 PagesFood Stamp is a government-funded program in the United States. This is a program that helps people buy food for their families; in other words, it is a very important program to families living in poverty. It is the nation’s most important program in the fight against hunger. This program was developed in the 1960’s; it is made to improve the nutrition level and food purchasing power of people with low-income. This program is offered to people who cannot afford to buy groceries for their familiesRead MoreHas your Welfare Benefits Been Shut Down?784 Words   |  3 PagesHas your welfare benefits been shut down? Food stamps are a stimulus to people who are unemployed and homeless. It’s also a way for people who are working part time making low wages to receive additional assistance from the government. Hardships like this affect our communities with low income or no income. The city of Atlanta, for instance, is rapidly growing. The United States Census Bureau says, â€Å"19.2% of Georgians are in poverty today.† Increased from last year, although there are many factorsRead MoreSupplemental Nutrit ion Assistance Program Essay1276 Words   |  6 Pagesparticipants should be allowed to use their food stamps for. As of right now, food stamps can only be used to purchase food that can be cooked or eaten at home, preventing families from spending the federal aid at restaurants (USDA). Recently, the fast food corporation YUM!, which owns Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza Hut, has lobbied to change this restriction (USA Today). Should people benefitting from the SNAP program have the right to spend their money on food that has been proven to lead to chronic medicalRead MoreFood Stamps706 Words   |  3 PagesWriting to Inform - Food Stamps The government has many funds going across the United States to help support the residents of its country. Food stamps, also known as SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) or TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) is a resource that provides people with a way to buy food if they don’t have the money to do so. This aid is given in different forms such as a LINK card, cash and/or paper that resembles money but can be redeemed for food.Most peopleRead MoreFood Stamps, And There Importance Within Society. Food1047 Words   |  5 Pages Food stamps, and there importance within society Food stamps or other words known as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP play a critical part in today’s society. More than 46 million American’s rely on food stamps to get through their everyday life. This program kept 4.9 million people out of poverty in 2012 not to mention the over 2 million kids. Food stamps are a voucher from the government for those on low income, exchangeable for food. Many families that haveRead MorePoverty Of The United States1408 Words   |  6 Pagesthemselves or the families they might have. Trying to end poverty in the United States, isn’t a problem that can be solved overnight, but there are steps that can help ease poverty and the images and ideas that come with it. Government programs has been helping thousands of people living here in the United States for years. In my opinion to effectively reduce poverty the government should be tougher on those who apply for welfare, food stamps, etc. There are many unfortunate families who struggle here in theRead MoreFood Stamps: An Important Government Transfer Program Essay1382 Words   |  6 PagesFood Stamps: An Important Government Transfer Program Food Stamps are an important subsidy for poor families in the United States. The program began (in its most basic form) in the 1930s in response to the Great Depression and has seen many transformations since. Its original goal was to redistribute agricultural surpluses to needy individuals. It gained popularity in the early 1940s and in 1961, Congress launched a pilot program. The program became permanent under President Johnsons Food Stamp

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